Thursday, October 1, 2009

Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain

"Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain" is a wonderful film.
Originating in France, it somehow made its way to the U.S with much popularity. It is one of those films you love and you don't know why, and you can't seem to find anything quite like it. There is something fantastic about Audrey Tautou, the well known French actress who starred in the movie as Amelie Poulain. Her cuteness in the film is well balanced with a touch of mystery and intellectual curiousness.
Audrey Tautou plays as a twenty three year old waitress at a little restaurant in Paris. She has a regular routine life, until one day she discoverers a little box hidden in her apartment. She does some investigation and finds out the box belongs to a little boy who lived in the apartment years before she did. When Amelie finally finds this man, she places the box inside a phone both, she then calls the number when he is passing by. The man soon discovers the box from his childhood, Amelie watches with infatuation as tears of joy begin to roll down his face. After the incident, Amelie once again tries to find that feeling inside herself, the feeling of satisfaction that she brought joy to someones life. Her life becomes a fun ride of secrecy with a sole purpose of bringing joy to others.

Director Jean-Pierre Jaunet was well known before "Amelie". In 1991 he released his successful film "Delicatessen", he would later release his masterpiece "The City of Lost Children" in 1995. Jean-Pierre is well known for his camera movement, in "Amelie" the cinematography is unbelievable. It is an amazing feat to move the camera so much, yet have it be so well camouflaged, blending into the story as if it were a character itself. Another amazing aspect of the film is the consistency of the colors. After the filming process was over, Jaunet and the crew picked out a beautiful pallet of colors to be used during the entire film, primarily green and red, an unusual Christmas-like combination that somehow fit the film perfectly. The creativity in "Amelie" is very impressive, as the film breaks the forth wall (actors speaking to the audience) several times, you are not discomforted by it, but on the contrary very amused.

Overall it's a great film with a wonderful story, make sure to see this one, most people I know enjoy it, its a good mixture of different emotions. Enjoy!


  1. I want to see this movie now, thank you for the recommendation! please keep posting!

  2. I love this film! The cinematography is amazing. I know for a fact the director wanted each shot to look like a painting and wanted high color saturation. The end result is a fantasy like story told from the perspective of the over active imagination of Amelie. I love this movie. The music is amazing too!
