Friday, September 25, 2009

13 Tzameti

In 2005 Georgian filmmaker Gela Babluani released his first feature film "13 Tzameti". Staring his brother George Babluani it was the Winner of the 2006 Gand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival.

The unique film tells the story of twenty-two year old Sebastien. An immigrant living in France working on small construction jobs. Sebastien is working on Godon's roof, a morphine addict who's life seems to be slipping away. One day Godon dies of a morphine overdose. Sebastien overhears a convorsation through a hole in the roof. Godon's widow is speaking with a man about a "job" that Godon was supposed to attend. Sebastien has no idea what the "job" is, but he knows it involves a lot of money, he continues to listen learning that an envelope containing all the information on the "job" will be delivered to Godons house the following day. Being an immigrant with very little money, Sebastien steals the envelope. He will later find out that this was the biggest mistake of his life.

When I first saw the film I had very little knowledge on what it was about. As I continued to watch it I was shocked and surprised. I truly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a great ride of suspense. The film is spoken in French, but with subtitles, its not a problem. The overall "feel" is very "film noir". The amount of music is limited, so the sounds of suspense sink in very well. I recommend that you do not look it up and read about the story, it will only ruin the film for you. It's the kind of movie that grabs you by the balls and surprises the hell out of you. I think you can find it at BlockBuster, if not its for sure online for you to purchase. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. This is a good film. I agree. Very surprising twists in the last scenes.
