Saturday, September 26, 2009

Avatar: the new film by James Cameron

On December 18,2009 director James Cameron is releasing his much-anticipated film "Avatar". James Cameron has been an amazing director since the late 70's, breaking ground with films like "The Terminator", "The Abyss", and "Titanic". After making "Titanic" in 1997, James Cameron took a break from film making and began exploring T.V episodes, and documentaries. It has now been twelve years since we have seen a James Cameron film, and I think we should all be excited.

Cameron claims that he held onto the script (which he wrote) for fifteen years before attempting to film due to a lack in technology. Eager to start his film, he co-developed a new generation of stereoscopic cameras. A stereoscopic camera is designed to mimic the human eye. Because we have two eyes, we are able to see images from two different perspectives. A stereoscopic camera is like having two cameras strapped together, simultaneously filming together, thus creating a three dimensional world. Previous three dimensional films give the viewer a somewhat flat background with occasional pop outs, but the new technology gives depth to the screen and every object in it. Cameron is very serious when he says that the film is not intended to only impress people with special effects, but it is intended to tell a beautiful story. The story is set in the future, Jake a paraplegic war veteran is taken to the planet pandora to undergo a procedure that should enable him to once again walk. While he is there, he and the scientific team find themselves in a battle with the planets natives.

Unfortunately we have no choice but to sit tight until December, until then keep your eyes out for new and old films to distract you from the time you have to wait!

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